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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium2PivotStyleLight16`cDEER2011 NTGr ValuesSheet2Sheet3Net-To-Gross-Ratio Table:Version InformationClassification Fields ApplicabilityDescriptive QualifiersNet to Gross RatioNTG ID DescriptionVersion VersionSrcLastModSector UseCategory UseSubCat TechGroupTechTypeIOUBldgTypeBldgVintNTGqual ProgDelivID IOUProgram IOUSubProgkWHtherm DocumentationStatusComment EIdentifies the major version that applies to this measure definition.4Indicates the source for this version of the record.LDate that this record was last modified or originally added to the database.Classification Fields identify the general technology and application that is associated with each NTG record. The classification fields can be used to narrow the list of potential NTG records for a particular Implementation (via the corresponding measure classification fields).iApplicability fields differentiate NTG records with the same NTGR_ID based on claim-specific information.[Descriptive fields that help determine the applicability of a NTG record to ImplementationsbIf applicable, specified the IOU program and sub-program that this NTG record is to be applied to.The Net to Gross ratio, or 1 minus the fraction of Free Riders; if not provided, the kWh value is the default for therm NTG ratio#reference to a documentation source*Standard status indicator for each record.1optional comment regarding status of each record. Field name =>IndexNTGR_IDNTGR_kWh NTGR_therm Field type => Varchar(255) TimeStampFloat Required =>Source Table => MajorVersion VersionSource TechnolgyType SubSector BldgVintage ProgDelivDEER2011ResAppPlug KitchenApp Ref_Storage RefrigFrzAnyNoneStandard Clean_equipHVACSFmBldgEnvLightingInGen Ltg_WiredMFm DirInstallService DiagnosticComAgProcDistPumping CustIncentChillerSHWNonRes-sAll-mCFL-dnCFLs D11 v4.00 2011-10-31 PreRebDown.2011 DEER Update Report - Section 7, Table 7-3NonRes-sAll-mCFL-ciCustIncentDownNonRes-sAll-mCFL-dirHTRNonRes-sAll-mT5T8-dnT5 and T8 lamps LinFluor_fixtNonRes-sAll-mT5T8-ciNonRes-sAll-mT8-dirT8 lampsNonRes-sAll-mLtgCtrlLighting controlsNonRes-sAll-mLtgCtrl-htrNonRes-sAll-mOccSensOccupancy Sensors OccSensorNonRes-sAll-mCFLCFL-screw in, All. Ltg_ScrewInCFL_lampPreRebUp.2011 DEER Update Report - Section 8, Table 8-1Res-sAll-mCFL-upNonRes-sAll-mHVAC-RCA5HVAC Maintenance: Refrigerant Charge Adjustment (RCA) dxAC_equipSpltSEERExPreReb/2011 DEER Update Report - Section 10 Table 10-6NonRes-sAll-mRCx-dn:Retro-commissioning services, electric & nat. gas measures RetroCommNonRes-sAll-mRCx-ciNonRes-sAll-mHVAC-Chiller(All chiller replacements - space cooling SpaceCoolNonRes-sAll-mHVAC-DX-up1All package and split system AC & HP replacementsRes-sAll-mHVAC-RmAC-dnEnergy Star Room AC and HP/2011 DEER Update Report - Section 12 Table 12-3Res-sAll-mDuctSeal Duct Sealing VentAirDist HV_AirDistDuctSysRRes-sAll-mHVAC-RCARes-sSF-mShellInsWall and Ceiling InsulationOpaque BldgShellRes-sSF-mACgt14-dnCentral AC>=14 SEERRes-sSF-mACgt16-dnCentral AC>=16 SEER, EER>=13&2011 DEER Update Report - Section 12.4 Res-sSF-mHPesHeat Pump - Energy StarHeatCool dxHP_equipNonRes-sAll-mPOC)Pump-off controller for existing oil wellIndRodPumpsPumpCtrl#2011 DEER Update Report - Section 9NonRes-sAll-mPipeIns+Pipe insulation - industrial processes onlyPipeIns-2011 DEER Update Report - Section 9 Table 9-5NonRes-sAll-mStmTrp-dn3Steam Traps - small commerical non-HVAC applicationProcHeat SteamDist SteamCirc SteamTrapn/a-2011 DEER Update Report - Section 9 Table 9-1NonRes-sAll-mStmTrp-ciBSteam Traps - industrial non-HVAC application, high & low pressureNonRes-sAll-mCustNonResNonRes-sAll-mCustElec-bd$Custom Electric Measures, RFP or BidNonRes-sGHS-mHtCrtn-dnGreenhouse heat curtain ThermCurtainGHsNonRes-sGHS-mHtCrtn-ciNonRes-sGHS-mIRF-dnGreenhouse infrared filmIRFilmNonRes-sGHS-mIRF-ciNonRes-sAll-mPmpTstPump testing servicesAllNonRes-sAg-mCust-ci8All other custom either electric or natural gas measuresRes-sAll-mDHWshwrLow flow showerheads Distribute WaterFixtShowerHd/2011 DEER Update Report - Section 13 Table 13-4Res-sSF-mDHWaeratorFaucet aerators FaucetAerRes-sMF-mDHWaeratorRes-sAll-mDHWgt62'Water Heater EF >0.62<0.65, Cap>30 gal.Heating WaterHtg_eqStor_EF Res-sAll-mCW$Clothes washer MEF 10% > Energy StarLaundry ClothesWash/2011 DEER Update Report - Section 14 Table 14-3Res-sAll-mRefgRec9Refrigerator, Efficiency characteristics of recycled unitPreRebDIRes-sAll-mFrzrRec4Freezer, Efficiency characteristics of recycled unitFreezerNonRes-sAll-mRfg-DG Door Gaskets ComRefrigDisplayGasket/2011 DEER Update Report - Section 11 Table 11-3NonRes-sAll-mRfg-SCStrip Door CurtainsStorage StripCurt Res-Default>2eAll other EEM with no evaluated NTGR; existing EEM with same delivery mechanism for more than 2 years/2011 DEER Update Report - Section 15 Table 15-3Res-Default-HTG-diHAll other EEM with no evaluated NTGR; direct install hard-to-reach only.Com-Default>2yrsrAll other EEMs with no evaluated NTGR; existing EEM in programs with same delivery mechanism for more than 2 yearsInd-Default>2yrsAgric-Default>2yrsCom-Default-HTG-diKAll other EEM with no evaluated NTGR; direct install to hard-to-reach only.Ind-Default-HTG-diAgricult-Default-HTG-di ET-Default>Emerging Technologies approved by ED through work paper review EUC-DefaultEnergy Upgrade CaliforniaPer CPUC Decision\Custom Natural Gas Measures (that may have electric savings due to the natural gas measures).Custom Mixed Electric and Natural Gas MeasuresAll-Default<=2yrsUAll other EEM with no evaluated NTGR; new technology in program for 2 or fewer years FPer CPUC Decision all NTGR values are to be a maximum of two decimals.ZCustom Electric Measures (that may have natural gas impacts due to the electric measures)NonRes-sAll-mCust-GasNonRes-sAll-mCust-ElecI BJJJZKWDOOPnPPPeWQQfR S SC T= U% EV Vc W)xXkYZoZ5l[ \u\e]^: `vaccB  B3x  dMbP?_*+% &ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?MRRicoh Aficio SP C410DN PS (nettS odXXLetterPRIV0''''t \KhC`$SMTJRicoh Aficio SP C410DN PSSupportDocUiReplaceTrueAutoConfigTrueAutoConfigPaperSizeDisableTrueSupportSamplePrintTrueSupportSecurePrintTrueSupportHoldPrintTrueSupportStoredPrintTrueSupportStoreandPrintTrueSupport8CharPasswordTrueResolution600dpiRIPaperPolicyPromptUserPageSizeA4PageRegionInputSlot1TrayLeadingEdgeDuplexNoneRICollateFalseRIPrintMode0rhitRimagesmOffColorModelCMYKRPSBitsPerPixel1BitsPerPixelRPSRGBcorrectDetailBrightRPSColorRendDictAutoRPSDitherTypeAutoRPSBlackModegrayRPSBlackOverPrintFalseRPSColorSepNoneRcmyksimulationOffMediaTypeAutoRIOrientOvrOffRIWatermarkOffRIWMTextConfidentialRIwmFontHelveticaBRIwmSize36RIwmAngle45DegRIwmTextStyleGray SPIRMDPR Times New RomanZ-22"dXX333333?333333?&<3U} UF}  F} UF} 8SF} qF}  F} F}  qF} F} qF} F} qF} q F} q } F} 8F} &F} F}  FB , @, ` @@  ,                              @6@A?BCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDE8????CBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCBGE??HI          IJKE ?? 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