DEER Versions Archive History: DEER2016 NTG update workbook

File Start Date End Date Date posted Notes
DEER2015-2016-NTG-Update-2015-10-20.xls 2015 Oct 20

Selected DEER net-to-gross values are recommended for update based on the results of the CPUC impact evaluation activity. The 2010-2012 impact evaluation reports as well as the the May 6, 2015 Efficiency Savings and Performance Incentive Mechanism (ESPI) ex-post results memo were utilized as the source data for the DEER2015 (ESPI Uncertain Measure List) update as well as the DEER2016 update. Additionally, D.14-10-046 (in Ordering Paragraph 9) provided a NTG value of 0.85 effective 1 January 2015 with eligibility for use limited to: 1) programs targeting specific transmission, distribution, or generation constrained areas (program projects excluding bottoming-cycle combined heat and power); 2) all K-12 school and community college projects. The data used and the updated values are included in the DEER2016 NTG update workbook (updated 20 October 2015).