Monthly Summaries

A list of monthly summaries of measure package activities by the CPUC Ex Ante Review team is maintained below.

Download Title Notes Date Posted Actions
2024-06 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report - June 2024

2024 Jul 3 See history
2024-05 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report - May 2024

2024 Jun 7 See history
2024-04 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report - April 2024

2024 May 3 See history
2024-03 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report - March 2024

2024 Apr 9 See history
2024-02 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report - February 2024

2024 Mar 8 See history
2024-01 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report January 2024

2024 Feb 1 See history
2023-12 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report December 2023

2024 Jan 5 See history
2023-11 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report November 2023

2023 Dec 7 See history
2023-10 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report October 2023

2023 Nov 10 See history
2023-09 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report September 2023

2023 Oct 5 See history
2023-08 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report August 2023

2023 Sep 7 See history
2023-07 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report July 2023

2023 Aug 3 See history
2023-06 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report June 2023

2023 Jul 3 See history
2023-05 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report May 2023

2023 Jun 7 See history
2023-04 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report April 2023

2023 May 4 See history
2023-03 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report March 2023

2023 Apr 7 See history
2023-02 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report February 2023

2023 Mar 3 See history
2023-01 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report January 2023

2023 Feb 3 See history
2022-12 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report December 2022

2023 Jan 6 See history
2022-11 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report November 2022

2022 Dec 2 See history
2022-10 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report October 2022

2022 Nov 4 See history
2022-09 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report September 2022

2022 Oct 6 See history
2022-08 Summary

Montly Measure Package Activity Report August 2022

2022 Sep 2 See history
2022-07 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report July 2022

2022 Aug 5 See history
2022-06 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report June 2022

2022 Jul 1 See history
2022-05 Summary

Monthly Measure Package Activity Report May 2022

2022 Jun 3 See history
2022-04 Summary 2022 May 6 See history
2022-03 Summary 2022 Apr 1 See history
2022-02 Summary 2022 Mar 4 See history
2022-01 Summary 2022 Feb 4 See history
2021-12 Summary 2022 Jan 10 See history
2021-11 Summary 2021 Dec 1 See history
2021-10 Summary 2021 Nov 1 See history
2021-09 Summary 2021 Oct 1 See history
2021-08 Summary 2021 Sep 1 See history
2021-07 Summary 2021 Aug 2 See history
2021-06 Summary 2021 Jul 1 See history
2021-05 Summary 2021 Jun 1 See history
2021-04 Summary 2021 May 3 See history
2021-03 Summary 2021 Apr 1 See history
2021-02 Summary 2021 Mar 1 See history
2021-01 Summary 2021 Feb 1 See history
2020-12 Summary 2021 Jan 4 See history
2020-11 Summary 2020 Dec 1 See history
2020-09 Summary 2020 Oct 1 See history
2020-08 Summary 2020 Sep 1 See history
2020-07 Summary 2020 Aug 3 See history
2020-06 Summary 2020 Jul 1 See history
2020-05 Summary 2020 Jun 1 See history
2020-04 Summary 2020 May 1 See history
2020-03 Summary 2020 Apr 1 See history
2020-02 Summary 2020 Mar 2 See history
2020-01 Summary 2020 Feb 3 See history
2019-12 Summary 2020 Jan 8 See history
2019-11 Summary 2019 Dec 2 See history
2019-10 Summary 2019 Nov 1 See history
2019-09 Summary 2019 Oct 1 See history
2019-08 Summary 2019 Sep 2 See history
2019-07 Summary 2019 Aug 1 See history
2019-06 Summary 2019 Jul 1 See history
2019-05 Summary 2019 Jun 3 See history
2019-04 Summary 2019 May 1 See history
2019-03 Summary 2019 Apr 1 See history
2019-02 Summary 2019 Mar 1 See history
2019-01 Summary 2019 Feb 1 See history
2018-12 Summary 2019 Jan 7 See history