Guidance for Deemed Measures History: Ex/Any Building Vintage Update Requirements for DEER2024

File Start Date End Date Date posted Notes
Joint_IOU_Vintage_Proposal_Memo.pdf 2023 Mar 8

This memo describes a consensus proposal from Southern California Edison Company (SCE), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E), and Southern California Gas Company (SCG) (together, the “Investor Owned Utilities” (IOUs)) regarding how to claim eTRM permuted building vintage for a given measure offering both near term and in the future.

Any_Building_Vintage_Update_brR15i3.pdf 2023 Oct 20 2023 Oct 20 This memo extends the amended rules for reporting claims missing the appropriate BldgVint permutation for some measure packages and specifies those measure packages that must be updated to comply with Resolution E-5221 DEER2024 and which must contain all relevant building vintages for commercial buildings.