Supporting Files

Download Title Notes Start Date End Date Date Posted Actions

This is a compilation of the questions brought to CPUC/DNV either through the RACC-FSC Office Hours or including: 

The link provided in the RACC-FSC_v3.0.xlsx and the RACC-FSC Technical Guidance Document.pdf to download the PostgreSQL driver for ODBC connections to DEER from within Excel no longer works. We recommend downloading the Version 10.23 file most appropriate for your computer from:
2024 May 10 2024 May 10 See history
Examples of RACC-FSC_v3.0.xlsx workbooks

The attached zip file contains example RACC-FSC_v3.0 workbooks containing the measure examples presented in the RACC-FSC Technical Guidance Document.

2024 Apr 22 2024 Apr 19 See history
RACC-FSC Technical Guidance Document

This is the companion document to the RACC-FSC_v3.0.xlsx workbook released on the same date.

The link provided in the RACC-FSC Technical Guidance Document.pdf to download the PostgreSQL driver for ODBC connections to DEER from within Excel no longer works. We recommend downloading the Version 10.23 file most appropriate for your computer from:
2024 Apr 22 2024 Apr 19 See history
Project Feasibility Study v 1.1 Template

PFS v1.1 template is effective November 7, 2023. Any project with a signed project agreement or project application that occurs within 60 days of this date (i.e., November 7, 2023) can utilize the prior version of the PFS template

2023 Nov 7 2023 Nov 7 See history
CPUC Resolution E-5115 - Full Rigor POE Influence and Viability

Resolution E-5115 adopts guidance for the documentation required when implementing the preponderance of evidence process adopted in Resolutions E-4818 and E-4939 for custom "accelerated-replacement" energy efficiency (EE) projects.  The following documents were developed to provide operational guidance on CPUC Resolution E-5115.

Resolution E-5115 is effective October 30, 2023. Any project with a signed project agreement or project application that occurs within 60 days of this date (i.e., October 30, 2023) can follow prior guidance.

2023 Oct 30 2023 Nov 7 See history
CPUC Resolution E-5115 - Medium Rigor POE Influence

Resolution E-5115 adopts guidance for the documentation required when implementing the preponderance of evidence process adopted in Resolutions E-4818 and E-4939 for custom "accelerated-replacement" energy efficiency (EE) projects.  The following documents were developed to provide operational guidance on CPUC Resolution E-5115.

Resolution E-5115 is effective October 30, 2023. Any project with a signed project agreement or project application that occurs within 60 days of this date (i.e., October 30, 2023) can follow prior guidance.

2023 Oct 30 2023 Nov 7 See history
CPUC Resolution E-5115 - Very Low, Low and Medium Rigor POE Viability

Resolution E-5115 adopts guidance for the documentation required when implementing the preponderance of evidence process adopted in Resolutions E-4818 and E-4939 for custom "accelerated-replacement" energy efficiency (EE) projects.  The following documents were developed to provide operational guidance on CPUC Resolution E-5115.

Resolution E-5115 is effective October 30, 2023. Any project with a signed project agreement or project application that occurs within 60 days of this date (i.e., October 30, 2023) can follow prior guidance.

2023 Oct 30 2023 Nov 7 See history
CPUC Resolution E-5115 - Very Low and Low Rigor POE Influence

Resolution E-5115 adopts guidance for the documentation required when implementing the preponderance of evidence process adopted in Resolutions E-4818 and E-4939 for custom "accelerated-replacement" energy efficiency (EE) projects.  The following documents were developed to provide operational guidance on CPUC Resolution E-5115.

Resolution E-5115 is effective October 30, 2023. Any project with a signed project agreement or project application that occurs within 60 days of this date (i.e., October 30, 2023) can follow prior guidance.

2023 Oct 30 2023 Nov 7 See history
Cannabis Lighting Standard Practice Studies - CPUC Response

CPUC Staff Response to the Cannabis Lighting Practice Studies Performed by Willdan and TRC

2023 Jun 20 2023 Jul 14 See history
Modified Lighting Calculator (MLC) Version 13.1.2 Standard Practice - CPUC Staff Review Utilize the version labeled 'MLC_V13.1.2 (LOCKED) Rev 8.2.23 - FINAL' for all custom lighting projects at the earliest convenience, ensuring implementation within 60 days from August 15, 2023. Notably, this revision marks the incorporation of Multifamily buildings into the tool's scope. The non-residential segment of the tool retains its previous configuration, as seen in version 'MLC_V13.1.2 (LOCKED) Rev 5.5.23 – FINAL'. Note: An error was fixed on September 8, 2023 but the tool functionality remained the same as the version uploaded in August. 2023 Sep 8 2023 Sep 8 See history
Modified Lighting Calculator (MLC) - Standard Practice Development

This document describes the development of the annual update to the standard practice baseline (SP) used in the Modified Lighting Calculator.

Document prepared by:
Felix Monterroso (Willdan staff)
Kevin Madison (Willdan staff)
Jeff Hirsch (Willdan consultant)

2023 May 11 See history
Modified Lighting Calculator (MLC)

"MLC_V13.1.2 (LOCKED) Rev 5.5.23 - FINAL” to be used for all non-residential custom lighting projects starting from April 4, 2023. Any project with a signed project agreement or project application that occurs within 60 days of this date (i.e., April 4, 2023) can utilize the prior version of the tool.

Note: An error was fixed on May 5, 2023 but the tool functionality remained the same as the version uploaded in March.

2023 Apr 3 2023 May 8 See history
DEER2020 Chiller Workbook

To support development of alternative measure definitions for chillers, and to extend the DEER chiller savings calculation methods to custom projects, DEER now includes a chiller savings calculation workbook, DEER2020_Chiller_Workbook-v1.xlsx, which utilizes the DEER chiller simulation results to develop savings of chiller measures that incorporate designated non-DEER measure characteristics.

2022 May 24 See history
Fuel Substitution Information
  • The CPUC provides a discussion regarding building decarbonization at CPUC's Building Decarbonization webpage.
  • The CPUC's Fuel Substitution Technical Guidance Document v.1 is both attached here and available at CPUC's Fuel Substitution in Energy Efficiency webpage.  Although the Draft Fuel Substitution Technical Guidance Document v2 has been posted to the same webpage, it has not yet been adopted by the CPUC.
  • The associated fuel-substitution calculator to be submitted with all fuel-substitution measure packages (both new or updated) using the Fuel Substitution Calculator v1.1 that is available exclusively at CPUC's Fuel Substitution in Energy Efficiency webpage. Again, although the Draft Fuel Substitution Calculator v2.0 has been posted to the same webpage, it has not yet been adopted by the CPUC. Measure package developers shall submit all fuel substitution measure packages using the Fuel Substitution Calculator v1.1 until otherwise notified.
2024 Apr 21 2022 Mar 24 See history

The RACC-FSC_v3.0 shall be used to calculate refrigerant leakage emissions and avoided costs of net refrigerant leakage emissions and perform fuel substitution tests for all measures that involve adding or replacing equipment that uses refrigerant and involves a change to the refrigerant type or to the refrigerant charge —these include most fuel substitution and electric resistance to heat pump measures. The completed RACC-FSC_v3.0—containing the relevant parameters associated with a given measure package—shall be provided as an addendum to each affected measure package in the eTRM. Guidance for how to do so is described in the “RACC-FSC Technical Guidance Document” that was issued along with the RACC-FSC_v3.0 workbook. 

Measure Package Update Type

ACC Version

New offering(s) added to existing approved measure package for PY2024-2025

ACC2022 values shall be used in RACC-FSC for new offering permutations, only

Mid-cycle updates to existing approved measure packages for PY2025

ACC2022 values shall be used for all permutations

Measure package updates for PY2026

ACC2024* values shall be used for all permutations

New measure packages for PY2026

*As of the issuance of the RACC-FSC_v3.0, the 2024 ACCs have not been finalized.

See Appendix C of the Technical Guidance document for instructions on how to connect the RACC-FSC_v3.0.xlsx to the DEER database when opening the RACC-FSC_v3.0 for the first time and prompted with the ODBC driver login credential prompt. NOTE: The link provided in the RACC-FSC_v3.0.xlsx to download the PostgreSQL driver for ODBC connections to the DEER database from within Excel no longer works. For users who have already installed the driver, this does not matter. For users needing to install the driver, download the version 10.23 file that is most appropriate for your computer from:

2024 Apr 22 2024 Apr 19 See history